(For the latest on this ridiculously asinine story, go here)
What next, Gary? Gonna ban “Don’t Stop Believing” from being played because the crowd shouting a particular lyric might be distracting to the commentators?
Gonna ban beer at the game because some people might have too much and start a ruckus?
Hey, how about banning skate blades because they might cut someone!
Ban “___ sucks” chants because children might hear them and/or someone’s feelings might get hurt!
Our tradition is ours. Not a soul in the city had a problem with it - not even the police - until recently, and we all know who is to blame.
Throwing the octopus is older than you, Gar. Stop masquerading your hatred of our hockey team and its die-hard fans in the guise of “safety first”. No one who threw red handkerchiefs at the last Chicago game got fined, did they? How about the guys who threw catfish on the ice in Nashville?
No. Only Detroit.
And not just a fine, but a blemish on one’s record too? That’s low.
But it’s understandable. New fans wouldn’t *get* tradition - and that’s all the NHL cares to cater to.
(And CHRIST, aren’t there other things in Detroit that the courts would be better used for? Just ask fans of the Pens and Hawks!)